The easing of lockdown is finally here, that we have all been waiting for so long. Luckily, in the same time we could welcomed some lovely weather lately too. Yet for most of us, sitting out in a pub with a pint on a sunny Saturday still feels almost surreal. Well, not that we will complain, right?! It will be certainly easier to get used to and appreciate our new found freedom again. And off we go: back to work, away for holidays, and for some long awaited hugs, walks, & chats with our loved ones. As much as we look forward to the new adventures of this summer, we thought it is a good time take account of some important security considerations.
We find that in times like this, it is very easy to let our guards down with everything going on: the easing of lock down, the nice weather, the opening of retail and entertainment industries, the restarting of the economy & tourism, the declining covid19 cases, and our cravings for social life again. Yet, we all know that the more we let things go from our minds, the easier target our homes, businesses and any valuables may become for burglars. Let’s therefore remind ourselves some of the potential risks, and most important security considerations.
With the holiday season approaching, and people returning to workplaces, many homes will be left empty regularly, and for longer periods of time. This undoubtedly makes an easy target for opportunistic burglars. Leaving all windows and doors locked securely, activating alarm systems, regularly emptying letter boxes, hiding any valuables, & leaving any keys in a safe place is all standard, but very important precautions we can take.
Sliding Security Grilles
Warm weather will also often call for windows and doors be left wide open during most of the day, and even during the night. Whilst it is great to enjoy the fresh air again, it is even more important to still bear safety in mind. If windows and doors do not have any security grilles yet, it may be a great time to consider upgrading such security features of both homes and commercial properties. Security window and door grilles are simply the ultimate security solutions, that not only act as a visual deterrent for burglars, but also present a physical barrier that will immediately overpower any attempt to break in.

As market leaders in manufacturing window and door security grilles for over 25 years, we are confident that our sliding security grilles provide the ultimate security solution, where property owners can feel relaxed and safe, knowing no intruder is likely to ever break them. Made of durable aluminium, they are super easy to operate, yet, will never erode like iron or steel.
All our products are made to measure, so perfect fit is also guaranteed for every shape of window or door. Our collapsible security grilles are also the neatest high security solution, with very discreet and elegant design, that also take very small space when retracted.
Finally, best price is also guaranteed as we manufacture our products ourselves, leaving out any extra figures for any sales man. When it comes to looking into security upgrades, we feel it is always an important priority to ensure a safe environment, but before the holidays it is even more highly recommended to look into. As they say, the best time was yesterday, but the next best time is today!