The role of door security grilles in avoiding burglars attention
According to the Office of National Statistics, 2 in 100 residential properties were burgled in the previous year. It is also often quoted that in the UK there is a burglary being committed every 108 seconds. As shocking as these numbers are, we find that proactive measures tend to work better than reactive ones, so we have decided to take a look at some of the potential weak points in domestic security measures, that burglars tend to pick up on, and how retracting door security grilles may help.

It may sound surprising, but most intruders do actually manage to gain entry simply via poor quality or unlocked doors or windows. Summer months are particularly critical, when people tend to leave their windows and doors open for fresh air. Burglars also have an eye for cheap composite or PVC doors that are easier to break through.
Another factor that would also make a house an easy target are blind spots in front of windows or doors, such as bushes, parking cars, bins, fences, walls, etc, that allow intruders to remain discreet and well covered from being spotted by neighbours.
Therefore simply increasing the ‘permeability’ of the main doors is one of the most important steps anyone can take in order to avoid the unwanted attention of burglars. The great advantage of door security grilles is that apart from adding a secure, physical layer to a door, they also make a home look more impregnable.
Intruders tend to know when a family is away on holiday from small signs such as a full post box, unkept, or overgrown lawn, or garden, lights not being switched on regularly for days, etc. However, as tempting a home may look with homeowners being away, the sight of door security grilles may be sufficient to deter most burglars when weighing up the risks and time spent on trying to break that.
As overlooked and obvious it may be, a front door is simply the first line of defence of any residential and business property. It is therefore essential to equip it with the best quality sliding security grilles, that will not only add an extra layer of physical barrier to its sturdiness, but will also act as a visual deterrent, and therefore preventing even the thought of breaking in there.